Thursday, November 8, 2007

Not Sequestered and The World's Best Pizza

Due to my lack of recent blogs, I have had several people ask me if I got sequestered (isn't that a great word?) when I was on jury duty. Well, the truth of the matter is, I never got to do any jury duty. There were no new trials my whole week, which was somewhat disappointing--I had my books, my travel was all figured out, and frankly, I was excited to get a first hand look at the justice system. But I did read my book anyways, "Eat, Pray, Love". And I give it a cautious "yes" recommendation. The author is someone who doesn't hold all the same beliefs that I do, but it was fun and inspiring. And the most memorable part of the book for me was a description of the world's best pizza--apparently somewhere in Naples--it sounded delicious anyways!


Anonymous said...


BKP said...

Jordan, you are not a very nice brother--I'm only nice to you because you keep up my website!