Monday, October 22, 2007

Alison and Patrick

When I did their engagement shoot, it was freezing cold outside. Patrick let me wear his hat the whole time outside, and then they bought me lunch. For me, it is the little things like this that can show what kind of person someone is. So I had been really excited to be able to shoot Alison and Patrick's wedding, not only because they look great together ;), but because of the type of people they are. We had a beautiful outdoor shoot in Green Bay and I am super excited about our variety of photographs. The weather, her bouquet, his cuff links, a relaxed wedding party, and even the salmon dinner (I love salmon--it is a 'superfood'!) were all spectacular.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Melissa and Mike

With Halloween just around the corner, we had to share our park with a little fall festival--pumpkins, corn stalks, hay, kids and all. We were able to keep the scarecrows out of the photos and get some beautiful shots of these two little love birds who will be married next August ; ) The sun is a little deceiving, as it was about a 40 degree drop from last weekend. Melissa did a great job hiding the cold, and Mike kept her laughing and warm!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Coming Soon

1) Jury duty is back!!! If you follow this blog, you might remember I got called for jury duty at the very beginning of the wedding season. Fortunately, they held off until now and my official jury duty date is in two weeks. So if you don't hear from me for a week, it means I have been sequestered ; ) AND, I bought two books to take along with me to jury duty, which is big news because I am not usually a reader: Into the Wild, and Eat Pray Love (both were on Oprah of course, my connection to the world).
2) New pricing structure for 2008! I am so excited about this one because I am now going to be including albums in my packages!!! This is most exciting to me, because it means that my images, now often not seeing anything bigger than a 4X6 print, will be put into story form and printed in gorgeous albums!!! This will change on my website by the end of the month, and people who have already booked will have the option to switch packages.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Katie and Scott

These two had the best fall weekend for their photo shoot. Aren't these trees just perfect, not to mention how cute Katie and Scott look together? There always seems to be one weekend at a certain spot that is truly 'Fall', and Katie and Scott found it in Sheboygan this past weekend. What you can't tell from the photos is that is was almost 90 degrees!

Lilly and Gus

I did an engagement shoot on Sunday for Katie and Scott, who will be in the next blog, and they brought their two little children, Lilly and Gus along for the photo shoot ; ) These furry little friends enjoyed their day in the park, although it was almost 90 degrees, and those fur coats never do too well in that kind of heat.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jack and Family

This beautiful dog came in for a photo shoot with his family. What a star he was ; ) I seem to have drawn in a lot of dogs for photo shoots this year--must be the law of attraction since I love my own puppies so much! And I used to be a cat person...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Jenny is rounding out our senior photos for the year, and isn't she a cutie?! She is the youngest of 4 sisters, and she did an awesome job with her pics!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Scottie T Groff

This is you.

Celia and Scott

I had a science class in high school with Mr. Chandler, and I met this crazy spontaneous always-the-one-who-gets-in-trouble guy named Scott. Well, I managed to stay out of trouble in high school despite Scott being one of my friends ; ) so here I am, 16 years later (sheesh time flies, and yes I am almost 30), and Scott turned out to be one of my favorite people. I was lucky enough to photograph he and Celia's wedding in Madison this September. Let me say, I felt the pressure to put out a spectacular photography performance since all of my high school friends will be milling over the photographs for years to come! So anyways, the church was beautiful, I always love shots at the capital, Celia does a mean karoke, and this reception was one of the most fun I have been too!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Andrea and Eric

This lovely couple was married in Milwaukee, so we got to do a trip to the art museum there! I loved Andrea's unique dress that had PINK in it, which is my favorite color these days ; ) Andrea and Eric planned the day down to the last detail and I was very impressed!