Thursday, May 31, 2007

Jury Duty?!

Why does jury duty call when the wedding season starts?! I will shoot 7 weddings in June, in three states--couldn't the judicial system have called in January or February when I was twiddling my thumbs ; ) Such is life.

4 comments: said...

ha. I got a letter in the mail yesterday about jury duty too. I'll be convicting some poor sap July 11th and 12th.

BKP said...

It must be fate, pal. You'll have to tell me how it goes, give me some pointers.

Josh said...

Just tell them you are biased against every ethnicity imaginable, including 20+ year old white women. That should exclude you immediately.

BKP said...

friends, thank you for the tips on jury duty ; ) i will let you know if i make the cut.