Thursday, August 2, 2007

Jennifer and Beau (and Jett)

First of all, let me clarify that despite my void of new blog entries, I am indeed alive. But let me say, one 3 credit grad course, 9 weddings the last two months, an oodle of engagement shoots, orders, a new lab, a new online posting company, and I am just a tad behind!

Jennifer and Beau were married July 15--so I'm not THAT far behind ; ) -- in a beautiful outdoor ceremony over in Eau Claire. They are both teachers--yay for teachers! I don't know what the deal is this year, but my weddings have rocked! They have all been so beautiful--it's been fun shooting with such great people who all seem to have phenomenal taste! And their little boy Jett is such a cutie--he's the one walking with his mom ; )

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