Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fellow Dog Lovers

This has nothing to do with photography whatsoever, even though I just finished two weddings this weekend. BUT, I have to tell this story because I am soo mad!!! This week, one of my mom's neighbor's threatened to poison--yes POISON--my two puppies, and all we did to this man was walk past his house on the PUBLIC sidewalk, leashed and with poo bag in hand. Not only did he find it appropriate to threaten to kill my peanuts (yes, I did call the police about this), he proceeds to call the police back on me to lie to them about things that are not true about my animals! If you know me, I am the most responsible pet owner possible and have done nothing to bring on this guy's threats on the lives of my puppies. My puppies have more decency and kindness in their little hearts than this man does--how does someone get such a disregard for life??? Okay, that is my fired up blog for the day. More photography to come soon.

1 comment:

amy fiedler said...

oscar offers the puppies his protection.