We decided to do this event to spice up our winter (no weddings happening), collect donations for the Humane Society (check out our pic!), and meet some new furry friends. When we first had the idea, we were worried no one would show up (I didn't think most people tote their pets out for photos as much as I do). Low and behold, people wanted in...so much in fact that we extended our hours on Friday and Saturday and added an extra night to accommodate as many pets as possible, and we still had to turn people away. So THANK YOU to everyone who came with their babies and brought their donations...the event was a super success, one we will definitely be doing next year. These animals truly are precious little souls.
By the numbers:
21--gallons of bleach
37--bags of cat and dog food (big and little)
12--cans of cat food
1--bag of biscuits
lots--leashes, we forgot to count
2--gallons of pee (okay, this is an estimate) that came out of one dog onto one of our backdrops, retiring the backdrop for the event (never have I seen so much pee in my life)
0--bites, fights, hisses
1--pregnant lady (Lindsey) who spent 3 hours in the hospital on our last day...the event nearly sent her into labor! (all is well)